fredag 7. desember 2007

Stormy weather ahead

Help! Tonight it was again so much lightning and thunder that I thought the whole building would collapse. The rumours say that we should prepare for three days of storm. This I can believe. Yesterday one of the windowglasses in the kitchen blew off it`s track and was left on the floor in a thousand pieces. Something which was possible because these windows are not normal closeable windows, but rather some sort of Venetian blind in glass. Quite charming actually, but I admit that I am a bit sceptical regarding how this is going to keep out the cold this winter. I guess I`ll bring another wollen sweather back from Norway after x-mas, and then it will be just fine. Three days with storm is likely to mean three days without internett (which we`ve finally gotten installed at home – hurray!), and possibly also without electrisity, but I`m not too concerned about this since I`m spending all Saturday and Sunday in a workshop a thousand and something meters above sealevel. (And here it will probably snow!! :)) The Humanitarian Law program of the Lebanese Red Cross Youth is going to test out some new activities for their internal trainings this weekend, and I`m going to facilitate the semi roleplaying game Raw War. The volunteers will do the “combating” part of the game outdoors, wearing costumes and armypaint. And I`ll make angels in the snow:) Weehee! For sure this is going to be a whole lot of fun!!

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